You're here because you want to do better with your eating, without obsessing over it, so you can live a healthier life and feel great. Maybe you've found eating to be a struggle that takes up far too much brain space. Perhaps you're tired of the diet roller coaster and are ready to find sustainable and realistic solutions to make food and eating no big deal.
Whatever your reason, you've shown up and that takes courage. You're in the right place.
Instead of a one-size-fits-all meal plan, I want to help you cultivate your intuitive ability to make decisions about eating. While I may be a nutrition "expert," I believe you are the expert of yourself and need to be in the driver's seat. True healthy eating is flexible, enjoyable, and realistic.
Working together, you will know how to work with your appetite instead of against it. You will learn to achieve satisfaction so you can eat it and forget it! Putting food back in its place as just one of the pleasures of life, rather than a source of stress. I want to empower you toward confidence and peace with food.

My first nutrition course in college opened up my eyes to food as something that can influence our health and bodies in a myriad of amazing ways. I became and remained a health nut for the majority of my college career. For a long time I believed wholeheartedly that food, whenever possible, should be our prevention and "medicine." Those were not my best years--I walked a very thin line between health-minded and disordered in my eating. Orthorexia was probably an accurate unofficial diagnosis for my preoccupation with perfecting my diet and body. Luckily between my nutrition degree and other life events, I was nudged back toward normal eating.

I'm a wife, mother of two, and enjoy training my wild man, Milo, a standard poodle. I started showing in obedience and rally a couple years ago with a past dog and it's become a fun hobby. Milo often joins me in my office and thinks all appointments are his personal massage sessions.
Professionally, I've worn many hats. I've been a Registered Dietitian, certified in the state of Washington, for 20 years. As such I've been a hospital dietitian, dialysis dietitian, and general outpatient dietitian. I've taught cooking classes for general health, for people with diabetes, and many more. In my current work with clients I incorporate principles from Intuitive Eating, Eating Competence and Health at Every Size.